Mission Statement
As the shared center of intellectual inquiry at Wheaton College, the Library’s mission is to build, preserve, and promote the use of physical and virtual academic resources; foster skilled and confident users of these resources; and promote community on the Wheaton campus.
Vision Statement
The Wheaton College Library desires to be the shared center of intellectual inquiry and discovery for Wheaton College, recognizing that all truth and knowledge comes from God. The library will nurture partnerships that will augment its resources, teaching mission, and the community of which it is a part.
The library will build, preserve, and promote access to and use of physical and virtual resources through strong consortial relationships, innovative technological infrastructure, enhanced faculty collaboration in resource selection, marketing partnerships, and excellent stewardship of all resources, including financial, employee time and skills, and collections.
The library will thoroughly integrate its teaching into the curriculum through active involvement in curricular development, partnerships with faculty and academic departments, awareness and promotion of emerging trends and resources, and direct engagement with students both within and outside of the classroom.
The library will promote community and collaboration by cultivating relationships across campus through sponsoring and participating in campus-wide activities, creative use of the library's physical and virtual spaces, service excellence, and dynamic teamwork among library staff to achieve unprecedented integration and flexibility.
Cell Phone Use
Out of consideration for others, please set your cell phone to vibrate only. If you need to make or receive a call, please move to a stairwell, entrance foyer, or the café area.
Food & Drink
The library provides vending machines and a coffee service, and you can also bring in your own food and drink. Please consume food only in the library’s café area. Drinks are welcome throughout the library as long as they are in containers with secure lids.
Materials Donations
The library does not accept most donations of books and other materials for the general collections, and will not accept any donation without prior screening and authorization. The library does not provide appraisals on donated items. If you have items you would like to be considered for donation, please contact the designated librarian to discuss your donation.
Wheaton College Library
The Wheaton College Library may accept donations of items that align with our overall collection strategy. Please contact Assistant Professor Joshua Avery at joshua.avery@wheaton.edu or (630) 752-7434 to begin the process of making a donation to the general collections of the library.
Serials and Periodicals
The Wheaton College Library may accept donations of serials (journals, magazines, and newspapers. Please contact Assistant Professor Megan Ruenz at megan.ruenz@wheaton.edu or (630) 752-7654 to begin the process of donating serials or periodicals.
Rare or Historical Items
The Wheaton College Library occasionally accepts the donation of materials that are rare, have historical value, or relate to the history of Wheaton College. Please contact Assistant Professor Katherine Graber at katherine.graber@wheaton.edu or (630) 752-5959 to begin the process of donating rare items.
The Wheaton College Library may accept donations of items that align with the collection strategies of HoneyRock. Please contact Assistant Professor Steve Oberg at steve.oberg@wheaton.edu or (630) 752-5852 to begin the process of donating items for HoneyRock.
For full details about materials donations, you can visit the library's Materials Donation Policy.