Undergraduate students receive a sequence of research instruction in information literacy as part of Christ at the Core, the college’s general education program. This page lists the topics that are taught in each section.
First-Year Seminar (online tutorial)
- Navigating the library website
- Introduction to subject librarians
- Iterative nature of research
- Types of information (e.g., scholarly, popular, social media)
- Understanding peer-review
- Identifying keywords
- Finding books
- Introduction to interlibrary loan
- Refining a search
- Understanding call numbers
- Evaluating sources
- Copyright
- Plagiarism
- Citing sources
Advanced Integrative Seminar (online tutorial)
- Understanding scholarship as a conversation
- Introduction to academic divisions
- Selecting & narrowing topics
- Writing & revising research questions
- Identifying the best databases for researching a topic
- Finding journals
- Finding articles
- Integrating faith into research
- Introduction to Atla database and scripture index
- Finding books
- Ethics in research
Course in the Major
Content and format to be determined in consultation with the department. Could include content related to discipline-specific:
- Databases & tools
- Writing practices
- Research practices
- Subject librarian support
Capstone Experience
Students learn about information creation/access/use beyond Wheaton. Students learn about the information struggles of new graduates in the workplace as defined by the graduates and employers. Students discuss how to transfer academic research skills to workplace information skills and strategies.